Thursday, January 3, 2008

A New Year for Me

This has been in the making for sometime now, not sure how long, but sometime. That is this, starting this blog. I am not really doing this for anyone in particular except for me. I remember back on times when I kept a journal on a regular basis and the things I wrote out were good for my sanity. For whatever reason I stopped, numerous times, and I guess this is just my next attempt to pick it back up.

So, more than likely most of this stuff I end up writing will probably only make me feel a little better and it might even have some meaningful insight to someone else. What ever the case, this is something I NEED to do and have made a semi-resolution to do more things this year that help me be me. I have spent a lot of time in the past few years getting so wound up in all of life's various frustrations and misgivings and have forgotten to just be the person I am. I feel like I have a lot of things to get off my chest and in time I will, but now that I have spent some time, too much time, getting this thing laid out I want to spend some good quality time writing and thinking and sharing.

I am looking forward to this.

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